Mom, can I just take one pishure?: A Little Dude's World Through the Lens | 3rd Installment

Goodness!! This should be the 4th installment but I haven't been able to post in a couple weeks...technical difficulties with the blog...gotta love technology!! Anyway!! Here are the little dude's pictures from several weeks of shooting! He gets bored easily so he only takes a couple at a time!

First things first...Morgan girl's 4th birthday was at the end of January...I'll be posting a blog about that next week! She got special treatment and was allowed to eat her peanut butter and banana cake at the table :)

Then we went to parents house one Sunday to look through all of their old nephew Gage was exhausted and Noah wanted to take his picture! (Remember, I'm posting all of his photos, in focus and not!)

Next up is pictures from one of the snow days of Snowmageddon 2015! We went to my parent's house in case we lost power.

Finally are pictures from last weekend...we played Hungry Hungry Hippos for about 2 hours!

These were my pictures of game time!

You gotta admit...the kid is pretty good with the camera!

1st Installment

2nd Installment

Danielle McVeyComment