Mini James Dean and Me | Personal

Excuse me while I brag for a minute...or five.

I really have no words for how in awe I am of this little boy that calls me Mama, Mommy, Mother (when he's being silly). He blows me away every single day with his quick wit and his ridiculous intelligence. Sometimes I forget that he's almost 4...sometimes I wonder if he's really about to turn 14. I just want to record him 24 hours a day so I can always remember the crazy things that come out of his mouth. The thing is, the things he says are not crazy at all...they're just not something I'd expect a three year old to say!

Two weeks ago he told me that if I eat too much I'll have a baby in my belly. I asked him who told him that and he said 'no one...I just know that if you eat a lot and a lot of food goes in your belly it will get big and that means there's a baby in there'. I just said ok and let it go. He was quiet for a minute and said 'actually...maybe that's not how babies are made...I wonder how they really are made? Mama...' I quickly shut that down! Three years old is too young to ask that! I wasn't readyyy!! (in my Kevin Hart voice) What blew me away though was that he came up with this reasoning himself and once he heard it out loud he thought about it for a minute and realized that it didn't make sense.

I could go on for hours about my little dude but I won't bore you with my mommy doting!

He loves me just as fiercely as I love him...the bond we share is absolutely magical. I couldn't be more proud that I get to be his Mama.

Thanks to Heather Papineau Photography for this session in Norfolk's NEON District!! 

I mean, seriously, when did he grow up?? 

And can we take a minute to appreciate this wall??!!

We're standing in front of this just have to look hard!

And of course, I had Heather take some headshots of me!