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Posts tagged norfolk
Mini James Dean and Me | Personal

Two weeks ago he told me that if I eat too much I'll have a baby in my belly. I asked him who told him that and he said 'no one...I just know that if you eat a lot and a lot of food goes in your belly it will get big and that means there's a baby in there'. I just said ok and let it go. He was quiet for a minute and said 'actually...maybe that's not how babies are made...I wonder how they really are made? Mama...' I quickly shut that down! Three years old is too young to ask that! I wasn't readyyy!! (in my Kevin Hart voice) 

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Ash's Color Contest | Norfolk Glamour Photographer

I've been experimenting a lot lately. My friend and hair stylist, Ash Fortis, who I RAVED about HERE, asked me to help her out on Sunday. She's entering a color contest and needed a photographer to show off her work. Lesley was the lucky winner picked to sit in Ash's chair and let her color to her heart's content!! After the coloring and styling were complete we headed down the street to the Naro. Everything just fell in to place!

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