Mom, can I just take one pishure?: A Little Dude's World Through the Lens | 2nd Installment

Little Dude wasn't feeling so great this past week so we didn't take a whole lot of pictures but we took advantage of the warmer weather yesterday morning before it rained. Morgan wasn't so thrilled about the idea!!

Morgan doesn't like to cooperate to have her picture taken.

Do you like our fence and shed?? I love seeing things from his perspective!!

Noah's toys

Ohhhh Morgan!! 

Her ear is always flipped and Noah always has to stop everything to fix it for her but this time he wanted to take pictures of it. These are his most in focus ones too!

And I didn't know he was going to take a picture...I just wanted to take pictures of him taking pictures! This is the lazy Sunday look...I'll dress better for our photo sessions from now on!

These are my phone pictures of the Dude.

Stay tuned for another installment in 2 weeks!!

1st Installment

3rd Installment