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Posts in Concerts
Like A Storm | Virginia Beach Concert Photographer

If you read my previous blog post, HERE, you know that I branched out a couple of weekends ago into something that was foreign to me. I was asked to photograph a couple of bands at a local venue. I reluctantly agreed; I had no idea how concert photography was going to compare to the natural light photography I'm so use to. I had a BLAST!! And the pictures came out better than I expected! The headlining band that night was Like A Storm.

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Revery | Virginia Beach Concert Photographer

A few weeks ago I decided to try my hand at something new. A friend of mine asked me if I'd be interested in photographing 2 bands at a local bar. I admit, I was a bit reluctant at first. Indoor lighting, not to mention concert lighting, is so far from the natural light photography that I normally do. I did some research for camera settings and jumped in. The results were so much better than I could've ever hoped!

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